zaterdag, november 05, 2005

Where am I?

- Can you go fetch some maps, people might need it and ask for it here.
- Of course, do you know where I can get them?
- Well... try the info post, they should have them.
- Where is that? Do you have one to show me so that i can check it.
- Err... no.
- (now what?!) Hum... ok I'll try to get the maps.
- Hey! do you have maps here?
- No.
- Where can I get one?
- Don't know.
- Hey do you know where the info post is, I need some maps.
- Lez... try over there, they should know...
- (Damn, if I just remember where it was last year, I would be saving my time)... Do you have maps of this place?
- Yes we do! Here...
- Nice... I need some, can I take this bunch with me, I'll need them in my post...
just in case people ask...
- Err... don't have many...
- Just some... I don't take them all then.
- Ok take those, I believe we have more in the back.
- Great, thank you!
- Here they are.